The Value of Video Communication

Iván Sixto during conference

Interactive Powers (IVRPowers) founder CEO, Iván Sixto, gave a conference about min trends on Video Communications for Contact Centers at last VoIP2Day Event. He provided a general overview of the current situation about real-time communications channels. Users’ behaviors and preferences are changing as we are always connected, specially through their mobile devices. It means a huge amount of data is circulating. However, we don’t use anymore our mobile phones just to call.

The Next Step for Contact Centers

Our founder CEO talked about how different ways to communicate are already present in our everyday lives. Technology trends show that video is the next step to transform our communications. According to Facebook 50% of data is video, and figures are growing. In 2021, it will go up to 70%. Video is the richest format to obtain information, the easiest and the fastest. And increasingly important new channel to consider in the next Customer Experience level is Video RTC.

The Five Powers of Video

Real-Time Communications (RTC), such as live video chats, raise the value of relationships with your customers. WebRTC technology is a great option for companies that need to differentiate themselves and enhance their Customer Services. Iván Sixto explained how RTC technology works and highlighted the top five advantages of video. First, video communications allow to establish empathy. The second aspect is that video gives authenticity. The third point is immediacy. Forth power that video has is effectivity. And, finally, the last one is the ability to identify people who are interacting.

You can watch the whole conference here:

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