Contact Centers should Know Video is Here to Stay
Photo source: Pexels. Creative Commons
Video in Real-Time Communication (RTC) is changing the image of the customer service industry. The success of pioneers who provide video chat customer service marked the dawning of a new era, because offering a good customer service is a key part for any business success.
Humanifying Customer Care
But despite the good results, video has not been widely adopted in contact centers. Maybe it’s time for the industry to consider how the use of video can enhance the effectiveness of customer services and solve some of the big issues of contact centers. For example, in 2011, 67% of customers hung up the phone out of frustration they could not talk to a real person. First customers’ expectation is to solve their problems quickly and the second one is to have personal interaction with an agent.
The Advantage of Video
Web-based video or video apps can dramatically transform enterprise contact centers. Just think how people deal with customer service when they are in person. Video can provide a customer experience comparable to real life. Interactive voice and video responses, video enabled agents and video enabled callers are some of the most notable uses for video in contact centers.
Customer Engagement
In a video-enabled contact center, agents not only show their faces to customers, which is a key factor in brand building and customer loyalty, but it is also the most efficient channel to answer some customer queries. For instance, traditional contact centers cannot conduct a product demonstration or deliver complex instructions. Contact centers that implemented video obtain better results, reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction. It seems video is here to stay.
If you want to know more about video technology for your contact center, contact us at our website.
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