79% of Consumers Want the Opportunity to Contact Businesses Online

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Photo Source: Interactive Powers, Pexels. Creative Commons

In a recent Enghouse Interactive survey, customers have made it clear that they want online communication channels with companies. 79% of consumers believe that businesses should provide a way for customers to contact them online.

It is also interesting to compare this figure with the responses to the very same question in previous years’ surveys. In 2014, only 29% of respondents answered that the possibility to contact a company online was relevant.

How can a company respond to customer demands?

Nowadays, technological innovations offer the opportunity for companies to supply their customers with new communication channels. Interactive Powers provides advanced solutions that are easily integrated into your existing structures. New services in real time, such as messaging or video, can help boost your business. The integration of these contact channels marks the path to an omnichannel strategy.

The remarkable increase, in three years, in the number of customers who expect to be able to contact companies online shows that customers are prepared to use the new communication channels offered by the latest technological advances. It seems that customers go one step further than businesses. Companies should be very attentive to the uses and requests of customers, because they may be giving the key to differentiate themselves in the market in the coming years.

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