AI in the Contact Center

Artificial Intelligence AI

Photo source: Pixabay. Creative Commons.

By 2030, AI solutions will surpass the services provided by agents.

Just a few years ago, talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) meant talking about a futuristic scenario. Today, AI is everywhere and, directly or indirectly, we are starting to use it almost every day. The rapid evolution of AI allows it to be increasingly applied to more sophisticated processes which require a high precision like customer services.

What can AI do in the Contact Center?

In Customer Services, AI already works as an agent’s assistant. It enables to collect information about customers, lead them to the right agent according to their needs and even solve basic requests. The application of AI in the Contact Centers is growing, to the extent that Frost & Sullivan predict that, by 2030, AI solutions will surpass the services provided by agents.

Achiving the notion of Omnichannel.

AI will help to save time and money by correctly integrate a large variety of new channels like Text, Voice, Video that will be handled in the Contact Center. Very soon, AI will be present in any Customer Service process, helping to achieve the notion of Omnichannel. Contact Centers must pay attention to the AI evolution and all its most advanced extension over IVR or RTC. Today it can be just a way to differentiate a company, but in a few years, it may become an essential key factor to keep alive in the Market.

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