It's time for companies to use Web and Mobile RTC Applications


Photo Source: Pixabay. Creative Commons

Ivan Sixto

Founder, CEO, Business Development
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Telephone bills with voice call minutes have been reduced or even disappeared both at home and in businesses. We communicate at work writing emails, tweets, posts, notifying by Skype, Google Hangout, LinkedIn or Facebook, and get in touch with our friends via Whatsapp or Snapchat, sharing multimedia content in real time. Phone calls are no longer a relevant channel in our personal communications. Traditional voice calls are being replaced by video and voice calls over the Internet, which are growingly increasing. In 2016, almost half of Internet users resorted to applications to call over the internet. Another interesting fact is that 3 out of 5 users rated the interoperability between OTT services, such as Skype, WhatsApp or Facebook, as positive. Therefore, it is the users themselves who stimulate the demand and the successful growth of real-time communication platforms or RTC.

Video calls and voice calls over the Internet are growingly increasing

Nowadays, it is possible for companies to interact in real time directly through their web services, mobile applications and even iOT devices. Currently, most of users have ADSL / Fiber and 3G/4G mobile coverage connections almost permanently. New channels enable faster connections, sharing more information and are generally cheaper options. They are no longer just alternative channels, but they also offer better features.

Phone is not always the best solution when we need to communicate with our customers or users. The possibility to provide a real-time video channel, share an image, a document, or click on a link can save time and reinforce loyalty. New channels allow us to know if a caller is busy, avoiding interrupting him. New technologies offer mechanisms that help us to manage our presence in the office, resulting in greater productivity for companies that need to communicate with us. In fact, using correctly the requests or states of connection offered by the RTC solutions, before establishing a real time interaction, communications are less annoying and invasive than traditional telephone calls.

Phone calls are no longer the most suitable option

Phone calls may not disappear, but, according to the current trend, phone calls are likely to be gradually reduced for exceptional occasions or emergencies. We are rapidly adapting to a digital world with extensive advanced services, where we won’t miss phone calls. Current computing technology and mobile devices in the hands of consumers do not make it essential to use telephone calls for business communications. By providing multimedia digital channels to consumers or users, which allow to efficiently transmit voice, video or data in real time, customer services turn into a very differential experience and comparable to the in-person communication.

This post is also published in Spanish here.

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