Video is Transforming Contact Centers


Photo Source: Shutterstock licensed to Interactive Powers

Ivan Sixto

Founder, CEO, Business Development
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Companies must understand that the processes of digital transformation driven by society are inevitable. In the last years, the improvement of customer support services accelerates the pace of adaptation to digital processes. The reason is the good results obtained by companies that have already integrated advanced digital tools, based, for instance, on WebRTC technology for real-time communication via the web or mobile applications.

The Unavoidable Digital Transformation

Staying out is a big strategic mistake. In the short term, changes may prove to be an annoying or difficult step, but in the medium term it will impact on the competitiveness of companies. The fast evolution of users’ communication habits illustrates the digital transformation. Consumers increasingly resort to more complex tools. For this reason, in the coming years, including platforms that offer the possibility for customers or collaborators to contact through more advanced channels will be key to the survival of many businesses. Indeed, companies should take into account growing demands from users to facilitate a more digital and efficient access.

New channels are already replacing the phone

The use of telephone is already declining as a result of the possibility of using new channels, which allow users to receive higher quality information in a simpler way. To meet these expectations, customer service departments will need to take a further step towards digitalization and offer higher value-added interactions. The implementation of IVR with a natural language or intelligent virtual assistants reflect the evolution towards much more sophisticated models. In addition, real-time communication or RTC solutions not only improve customer service, but also transform the relationship between the company and the user.

Video is key in Human Communication

Real-time technologies for customer services are going to become basic tools for companies in the 21st century. Among them, video stands out because of its many advantages and possibilities in human communication. Video, along with electronic signature, online payment, face recognition or identity recognition technologies, is revolutionizing the way we understand customer interactions. Financial institutions, health services, insurance companies and the entertainment industry are some of the sectors that can benefit most from new communication technologies, but there are also other sectors, such as e-commerce, tourism, car industries, that could enhance their services thanks to real-times communications.

This post is also published in Spanish here.

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