What is NLU for Chatbots?

Desconstructing Chatbots

Photo source: Dialog Flow - Desconstructing Chatbots, Interactive Powers edited.

Building the future of Conversational IVR with a Natural Language Understanding NLU interfaces instead of Prompts or Menus with direct dialogs.

We are pleased to share a very interesting video from Google about Chatbots under the wood technology. It’s really easy to understand in just few minutes: what is the new approach to build an advanced Natural Language Understanding (NLU) interfaces. Remember, all this technology powers our Conversational IVR to make easier human-to-machine communications developments for a phone self-service or advanced call steering or any kind of smart voice interactions.

Chatbots NLU technology powers your next Conversational IVR

Streamline your business communications

Interactive Powers can help you to turn easily customer experience into a competitive advantage, as our Smart IVR solutions can be powered by DialogFlow for your business processes.

Please contact our sales for more information.

Interactive Powers - Streamline your business communications

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