Video Calls · Scheduled vs Team View


Photo source: Interactive Powers. Creative Commons

Why most companies have to change their mind about Video Calls productivity and integration?

Most “Video Meeting” solutions (Zoom, Teams, LifeSize, Google Meet…) used for teleworking, remote business meetings, doctor visits or friends & family conversations are based on scheduled invitation for specific users. A scheduled approach can be one-to-many or one-to-one when you are sending an invite to connect. In real-time processes, you will need to manage quickly the following inbound videocall in real-time. Assigned agent could be busy with the previous visit, and another user may pick up the Video Call for the next user. For this reason, a Team View approach provide the fastest response time, performance and productivity thanks to a real-time collaboration.

video calls scheduled vs queued diagram

These are some key reasons:

1. Collaborative Video Calling.

In a virtual shared waiting room, agents can be attended faster by another agent.

2. Timeline Priorization.

You can check waiting time of each user and change priority to attend all of them.

3. Toggle to Collaboration.

You can manage your own visits only or check the waiting room to get the next user to be attended.

4. One-click User Connection.

Users can reconnect anytime with the same active session to get connect with another agent.

Streamline your business communications.

Stop wasting time and productivity with Scheduled video calls and switch to Queued video calls with Virgo Healthcare or Virgo Business. Interactive Powers can help you to turn easily customer experience into a competitive advantage, as our solutions are integrated into your existing processes.

Please contact our sales for more information.

Interactive Powers - Streamline your business communications

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