Video RTC (WebRTC) v5.1.0

Release Note

We are pleased to announce that our new Video RTC (Gateway WebRTC) v5.1.0 has been released for suitable production services. This new version includes a specific security fix for data channel recommendations. All users with previous maintained versions can upgrade today. Please contact our support!


Version 5.1.0:

## [5.1.0] - 2022-09-08

### Added

- Possibility to join into a RemoteViewer session by passing session params via URL (for agents)
- QR Code feature in the Webclient usecase
- X-Theme SIP header in the Webclient usecase
- Added Virtual Background feature in the SPLIT Agent usecase
- Added Video ID usecase
- Added playBeeps option to the DTMF configuration in the Webclient usecase
- Added REC text message in the Webclient when the call is being recorded
- Added some Start messages in both the Tester and Video ID usecases

### Changed

- Improved user interface of the Tester usecase (Progressbar design)
- Improved user interface of the Webclient usecase (Custom modals)
- Improved user interface of the Videomail usecase
- Blur effect is now using MediaPipe instead of TensorFlow
- Updated VideoRTC font (v1.5.0)
- Adjusted remote video sizing in the SPLIT Agent

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