Deloitte: Global Contact Center Survey - Customer Interaction Channels 2017

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The most significant change predicted for Contact Centers in the next two years is a decrease in voice interactions by around -26%.

Contacts by Phone are expected to drop from 64 percent of interactions today to 47 percent in 2019. Much of this migration away from the phone could shift to online chat and messaging; respondents expect use of these channels to increase to 16 percent by 2019, from 6 percent this year. Social Media interactions also are expected to increase significantly. As with messaging, this trend could indicate the maturation of social media as a channel, a greater acceptance of it within organizations, and improved technologies for integrating it. However, the use of social media likely will be reserved for simpler inquiries and routine transactions. For the most complex questions, Phone interactions likely will remain important, although emerging capabilities, including Video Chat, also hold promise.

Source: The Wall Street Journal - Deloitte Global Contact Center Survey 2017

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