Google TTS connector

Google Cloud TTS

Image source: Interactive Powers

Interactive Powers introduces 30+ Languages & 180+ additional Text-to-Speech voices with Google TTS Integration

About Google…

Google Cloud is one of the major Enterprise Cloud Services in the world, so its API does not fall short. There are a lot of features that are worth of mention, but we don’t have that time so, here are some of main features we consider:

  • Google has over 180 voices across 30+ languages and variants.
  • WaveNet is a new Neural technology that provides better natural voices.
  • Any device or application support with REST or gRPC request.

To understand all of previous elements, you can read Google TTS documentation. It is a relatively new technology, so it is not perfect nor a disaster. Some of the main languages are not yet enough developed like Spanish, that only count with the standard voice meanwhile English has 32 voices (standard and WaveNet).

  • Over 180 voices across 30+ languages.
  • WaveNet voices which are very similar to human voices.
  • Great documentation, very simple and clear.

How to start with Google TTS

Step 0: System Requirements

You may check first you have all of this:

  • Apache Web Server installed with PHP 7 and at least the curl / mbstring PHP extension.
  • FFmpeg binary program installed (open scource).
  • Google Cloud account.

Step 1: Installation

Unzip the TTS Connector file for Google and deploy:

  1. Download the .zip file with the TTS from our downloads page (
  2. Unzip the file into the web server.
  3. Log into your Google Cloud Platform account.
  4. Go to API & Services -> Credentials.
  5. Hit the Create credentials button and then Service Account Key.
  6. Download the JSON file.

Step 2: Configuration

Setup properly your Google Cloud account in the config.php file:

  1. Open the file config.php that lives in the folder created when unzipping the downloaded file.
  2. Change $credentials with the path where the key.json file is.
  3. Save the config.php file, and that’s all folks!

Step 3: Ckecking the Instalation

You can check that every is in place and running with our test web service:

  1. Browse to the file index.php through the web server.
  2. Try the TTS selecting a Language and a Voice and hitting the Send button.
Engine =
Language = 
Voice =
Format =
Internal Format =
Codec =

Step 4: Start your first VoiceXML service

Start coding your first VoiceXML script setting the right voice and language like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.1" xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US">
   <property name="promptvoice" value="Standard-A"/>
           <prompt>Hello World! I am the Google Voice</prompt>

To learn more about how IVR solutions, please contact us at our website

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