Web ACD: System Requirements

Video RTC: System Requirements

Photo Source: Interactive Powers. Creative Commons

Operating System Requirements

Web ACD platforms are designed to run over a Linux Debian 10.X x86_64 distribution. Please make a minimal Linux Debian installation from Internet, USB or CD / DVD. To download the Linux distribution installation iso file go to: https://www.debian.org

Requirement  Description
 Distribution Linux Debian 10
 Linux Kernel x86_64
Cloud Ready AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure
 Installer Minimal Install

Port / Channel Definition

A port or channel is an aggregation of multiple software communication interfaces that creates a logical interface in an ACD service. One voice call or video call between two peers use one port or channel.

Server Models

Server Size IaaS AWS Reference
XS Micro AWS t2.micro
S Small AWS t2.small
M Medium AWS t2.medium
L Large AWS t2.large

Server Requirements

Ports CPU RAM Model
30 1 cores 2 Gb XS
60 1-2 cores 4 Gb S-M
120 2-4 cores 8 Gb M
240 4-6 cores 16 Gb L

What are the Bandwidth requirements?

Video quality (screen resolution & bite rate) dynamically adjusts based on the strength of a user’s network connectivity. The faster and more stable a peer broadband connection is, the better the video quality it will request.

Video calls can require anywhere from 3x to 20x the amount of bandwidth as an audio call, depending on the quality. The same applies for other types of data transfers. A phone system will share the same internet bandwidth as your computing needs, and while web browsing and email won’t have much of an impact, activities like streaming video and transferring large files will need to be taken into account for your estimate.

We recommend a minimum dedicated 128kb/s down per downloaded stream, as well as 128kb/s up per uploaded stream to maintain a stable video connection at 640x400 resolution.

The following table lists the minimal network requirements to deliver reasonable audio and video quality.

Network Parameter  Requirement
 Audio Bandwidth (Uplink/Downlink) 40 kbps / 40 kbps (Opus) (1)
 Audio & Video Bandwidth (Uplink/Downlink) 80 kbps / 80 kbps (Opus/VP8*) (2)
 Latency (RTT) < 300ms
Jitter < 50ms
 Packet Loss < 1,5 %

(1) (2) Opus, VP8 codecs are both available for ACD services.

Default Modes

 Mode Kbps  Resolution & fps  Quality
 Low <80 kbps 320x240 @ 30 fps Acceptable
 Medium 128 kbps 640x480 @ 30 fps Excellent
 High >256 kbps 640x480 @ 30 fps Excellent
 Ultra 512 kbps 1280x870 @ 30 fps Outstanding

Audio Streams

Quality Kbps  Codec 
Excellent 80 kbps Opus
 Excellent 64 kbps Opus
 Acceptable 48 kbps Opus

Video & Audio Streams

Quality  Kbps   Codec  Screen Resolution
Acceptable >80 kbps VP8 / Opus 320x240 @ 30 fps
 Acceptable 128 VP8 / Opus 640x480 @ 30 fps
 Excellent <256 VP8 / Opus 640x480 @ 30 fps
 Outstanding 512 VP8 / Opus 1280x870 @ 30 fps

What are the IP Network requirements?

Security Requirements

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Web ACD supports TLS connections and client-side port definition, to provide secured connections — specifically, to SIP Connect Server. Starting with release 1.X and upper, Web ACD supports TLS security features on all the operating system.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

Web ACD supports SSL connections for WebRTC to encrypt communications between the Video Gateway and its source, web access and endpoints. Web ACD recommends using the OpenSSL toolkit to implement this feature.

Ports configuration

To run your Web ACD servers you have to open UDP/TCP ports:

Destination IP Type  Port Range Description
ACD TCP 80 HTTP - Web Access (Forwarded)
ACD TCP 443 HTTPS - Secure Web Access
ACD TCP 8089 Websocket - Voice over IP (Required)
ACD UDP 10000 … 20000 RTP Media (Audio) (4)

(4) RTP Media ports can be forwarded by STUN/TURN servers, to passthrough the router NAT (no recommended for Agents). If your network has a restrictive firewall you can avoid to set RTP ports range.

What are the Video & Audio Recording requirements?

Video Recording Sizing

Format: 640x480 (2 peers)

Duration Low <80 kbps Medium 128 kbps  High >300 kbps
 1 min  1,5 Mb  2,5 Mb  16 Mb
 1 h (60 min)  90 Mb  150 Mb  1 Gb
 1 day (24 h)  2,16 Gb  3,6 Gb  24 Gb
 1 month (30 days)  64,8 Gb  108 Gb  720 Gb

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