Ubiquo Ubox: No Touch Kiosks & Screens


Photo Source: Ubiquotechs - Interactive Powers

Gesture controlled Kiosks & Screens with Video RTC to enable new customer experiences.

MIAMI, July. 1, 2020Ubiquo Technologies the creators of UBOX and Interactive Powers the creators of Video RTC announce new phygital experiences joining gesture and video real-time communications. UBOX is also a marketplace of experiences where hardware and software developers, designers, artists and data scientists can collaborate in projects together from different parts of the world easily, thus providing end-to-end​ ​solutions to consumers.

COVID-19 spread requires to introduce a new set of interactive experiences, connecting no touch kiosks or screens with video communications with remote agents to provide live support to consumers in showrooms and stores. All this new solutions provide security and social distancing to ensure business re-opening and a effective customer experience (CX).

About Ubiquo Technologies - Ubox

Ubiquo Technologies is a firm dedicated to creating global solutions that puts the focus on human beings and reality. Universal Accessibility is part of our philosophy and runs through all of our work. We approach each project from a single guiding principle: the inclusion of all people in a given environment. Ubiquo Techs provides Ubox and have offices in Brussels, Madrid and Santo Domingo.

More information on: http://www.ubiquotechs.com

About Interactive Powers

Interactive Powers provides Voice and Video Technologies for Cloud-based services and On Premises. Its Video RTC products provide easy-to-use, omnichannel, real-time communications, browser-driving interfaces, live chat, web collaboration, video calling, mobile app integration. Interactive Powers is a used in more than 30 countries and have offices in Europe in Madrid and United States of America in Miami.

More information on: https://www.interactivepowers.com

Interactive Powers - Streamline your business communications

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