Microsoft Edge moves to Chromium in 2019

Microsoft Edge

Image source: Interactive Powers’ elaboration

Microsoft annonces officialy that Edge will become a Chromium-based browser in early 2019!

Microsoft is reworking its Edge browser on Windows 10 so that it will based on the Chromium open source project. Microsoft CVP Joe Belfiore made a big announcement and explained that it was all about creating “better web compatibility for our customers and less fragmentation of the web for all web developers.”. The shift to a Chromium base should make Edge work much better with websites that are optimized for Google Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers. For developers, this also means that they will no longer have to optimize their websites for Microsoft Edge.

What will happen with the 2019 Edge’s roadmap?

Microsoft is making a technology change that happens “under the hood” for Microsoft Edge, gradually over time, and developed in the open so those of you who are interested can follow along. The key aspects of this evolution in direction are:

  1. Microsoft will move to a Chromium-compatible web platform for Microsoft Edge on the desktop.
  2. Microsoft Edge will now be delivered and updated for all supported versions of Windows.
  3. Microsoft will contribute to make Chromium-based browsers better on Windows devices.

What is the new expectations for WebRTC?

Chromium is now stable on WebRTC and this important update from Microsoft will allow to get a complete full compliance for all Video RTC services! We are really exited about it, and waiting for next updates from Edge!

Happy New Year 2019, Edge!

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