Video Kiosks: Integrating the Phygital Experience

Video Kiosk

Photo source: Interactive Powers Creative Commons

Video-based human-centric communication centralized towards every physical point of sale or support.

In the realm of business, optimization is the key to success. We constantly seek ways to enhance efficiency, boost productivity, and deliver superior customer service. In this regard, video kiosks emerge as invaluable digital tools across various industries, not only enhancing customer experience but also projecting human-centric attention from a video contact center to multiple points of sale or physical centers across geographies in real-time.

What are Video Kiosks and How Do They Work?

Video kiosks are interactive terminals equipped with touch screens, interactive displays, and video cameras enabling customers to interact with a live person through a real-time video connection. They serve as an extension of a contact center or call center, enabling customers to access personalized assistance from numerous representatives, advisors, or technicians, regardless of the point of sale or center they are in, thus benefiting from Multi-ubiquity (2).

How to Connect a Video Kiosk to Your Contact Center?

Video kiosks do not come with specialized software for managing advanced communications; that layer of application is not part of their technical specifications. They must focus on providing excellent image and sound capture devices (directional microphones with noise cancellation, high-definition speakers with enhanced sound, high-definition cameras with wide focus, Ethernet or mobile 4G-5G network interface). Generally, Video Kiosks are terminals with a simplified OS and a web browser with multimedia capabilities.

What Type of Contact Center Do I Need for Video Kiosks?

Video kiosks are not tools for managing human resources of attention; hence, it is necessary to connect them to video channels that can, in turn, be operated by a contact center (call center) where teams of agents will operate the service. Management should be in real-time because users will not wait to be attended to. Therefore, we recommend an advanced SPLIT (3) interconnection that allows using video kiosks with very high performance without delays and optimizing agent provision.

In summary, video kiosks represent a powerful digital tool for business optimization and improving customer experience. By facilitating personalized real-time attention from a video contact center to multiple points of sale or centers dispersed geographically, video kiosks not only increase operational efficiency and reduce costs but also elevate the quality of customer service. In an increasingly business environment oriented towards the integration of the physical and digital realms, video kiosks emerge as an essential component within the Phygital (1) strategy of organizations.

(1) Phygital

“Phygital” is a term that combines the words “physical” and “digital.” It refers to the convergence or integration of physical and digital experiences in a commercial or consumer environment. The concept of phygital acknowledges that in the digital age, the distinction between the physical and digital worlds is increasingly blurred, and companies must adapt to offer experiences that encompass both realms to optimize and enhance their service processes.

(2) Multi-ubiquity

“Multi-ubiquity" imply the ability of a system, service, or organization to be available and accessible across various devices, networks, or physical locations. This could include having a presence in both physical and digital spaces, as well as being accessible through different communication channels such as web, mobile, social media, etc.


“SPLIT” is a special protocol developed by Interactive Powers which allows separate the media streams (video - audio - data) for any communication between users and agents. This development is based on SIP and WebRTC | RTMP peers communications for the integration of voice, video and data for any VoIP Contact Center.

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