The Merge of IVR and RTC into the Contact Center

Contact Center with RTC and IVR

Photo source: Unsplash. Creative Commons

Contact Center: Artificial Inteligence and Omnichannel strategies will require to upgrade and rethink all your IVR and RTC technology or services.


At Interactive Powers, when we launched our first products, we had always considered the Contact Center as a primary technology platform that requires to connect many and new channels to become a Multi-channel system or much better ever an Omnichannel system. In the early stage of the Digital Transformation, we couldn’t imagine our main business product lines Smart IVR and Video RTC to become so close that they are now just part of a whole strategic approach for any Contact Center evolution. Let us show, how powerful it is without leaving existing channels or services witch are already running. We always understand integration as a complementary function and value not a replacement.

IVR · Interactive Voice Response

This technology is not really new for a Contact Center but it is now a new breakthrough that is transforming the customers services thanks to IA and Voicebots / Speech Assistants integration. IVR is not what we use to understand as DTMF menus or simple Direct Dialog call routing… Today, IVR is becoming a smart conversational system able to replace human agents in most of repetitive tasks or Call Steering with an Natural Language Processing / Understanding.

Agents are no longer the only way to interact properly and efficiently with your customers.

What kind of features arre we expecting to use with IVR:

  • DTMF
  • Text-to-Speech
  • Speech Recognition
  • Natural Language Processing / Understanding

RTC · Real-Time Communications

This technology provides a secure access to all new modern devices thanks to an RTC channel for any Contact Center and extending all its communications capacity to Web Browsers, Kiosks, Smartphones or Tablets devices. Could you really manage any online marketing, sales or support without considering real-time interactions for your business processes. Today, most customers and users won’t be only reaching you by phone, they are considering you can interact through any device or your online services.

Phone is not yet the only direct channel, you have to connect more devices and services.

What kind of features are we expecting to use with RTC:

  • Voice / Video streaming
  • Live Chat
  • File Sharing
  • Screen Sharing / CoBrowsing

Streamline your business communications

Interactive Powers can help you to turn easily customer experience into a competitive advantage, our IVR and RTC solutions can be integrated into your existing Contact Center.

Please contact our sales for more information.

Interactive Powers - Streamline your business communications

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