Scheduled Video Calling
Photo source: Interactive Powers Creative Commons.
Scheduled Video Calls that enable the fastest face-to-face commmunication for a Remote Workforce.
Imagine all your workforce requires to work from home or from anywhere, imagine you can’t connect all of them in unique real-time attention but they require to collaborate everyday each others to support your products and services. At Interactive Powers, we understand that kind of peer-to-peer (P2P) video calls are not just video meetings but something more specific between a call and a video room: we call this kind of interaction, Scheduled Video Calling.
Some specific features:
- Privacy with E2E protocols with no less than 256-bit encryption.
- Team Collaboration with shared and private Waiting Rooms.
- Direct access from an shorten URL by email or SMS.
- 100% Web Responsive for any device.
- Brand Customization enabled.
- No video recording.
Video Meetings are not the best way to make efficient face-to-face interactions.
Scheduled Peer-to-Peer Video Call
First of all, you have to properly send a invite to each user/customer to join a one-to-one videocall from any modern device. This invite has to be one-click to ensure the connection is user-friendly but the same time, it is useful to enable other professional to connect this video session in case of any delay in the schedule.
Scheduled Video Calls are a new trend for business video communications.
No Downloads, No Register, No Apps
In a second part, users or customers have to join a videocall from any modern device without any downnload, any registration or app / plugins otherwise the process won’t be efficient and accepted by most existing users.
Video interactions cannot be depend on specific mobile apps, plugins or devices.
Streamline your business communications.
Interactive Powers can help you to turn easily customer experience into a competitive advantage, as our Virgo Healthcare and Virgo Business are integrated into your existing processes.
Please contact our sales for more information.
Interactive Powers - Streamline your business communications