E-learning · Industry
Photo source: Pexels
In 2016, the worldwide revenue for self-paced elearning was $ 46,674.67
Real-Time Video and Voice over the Internet open opportunities for everyone who wants to learn something. Online learning is gaining popularity as more and more students demand more flexibility that new technologies can provide. E-learning broadens the options of programs and degrees, since students can access to educational institutions all over the world. Self-paced learning allows students to arrange a learning schedule that meets their individual needs, at a lower price and without leaving the comfort of their homes.
Video RTC · Business Cases
Main Business Cases in eLearning Services:
- Interactive Learning Tools
- Mobile Learning
- Tutoring
Click here for further information.
Video RTC · Benefits
Video Real-Time Communications Benefits introduction:
- Learning at convenience
- Social learning
- Adaptive learning
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Video RTC · Features
Core Features:
Complementary Functions:
Interactive Powers - Streamline your business communications