E-learning · Benefits

children with computers

Photo source: Pexels. Creative Commons

70% of people use their own smartphone to learn and 52% prefer to learn at the point of need

Learning at convenience.

The current pace of life and work prevents us from continuing our learning. Thanks to digital tools and Real-Times Communications improving knowledge is not out of reach anymore. E-learning increases accessibility and reach as e-learning courses are more affordable and fits with students’ timetables. It gives the opportunity to tackle content in bite-sized learning modules, whenever you have the chance, from your laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Social learning.

E-learning is not a lonely activity. Video and voice features provide tools to improve collaboration among students, professors and subject matter experts. Students can share documents, discuss topics through real-time chats or ask for assistance. Peer to peer assessment increases engagement and responsibility. But tutors can also benefit from e-learning. It is easier to receive students’ feedback, which can be crucial to improve the quality of learning.

Adaptive learning.

One of the most interesting advantages of e-learning is the possibility to customized the learning experience according to user’ needs. Students can access classes when it better suits them and adapt to their own learning path, leading to better results. E-leaning makes it easier to take into account the level of knowledge and the style of learning.

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