Time is Money on Customer Experience

man speaking on the phone

Photo source: Unplash. Creative Commons

Customer expectations are growing every day and two of the key factors are time and effort. Customers can be frustrated if they need to spend a lot of time resolving an issue or jumping hoops to do it. They hate being transferred and feel tired of repeating themselves. Difficult or high effort experiences make the customer feel exhausted and are the main cause of disloyalty.

Companies should take into consideration that the impact of a bad experience is huge. According to a Gartner’s survey, 81% of customers that report having to spend a high-level of effort to resolve their problem, will say negative things about your company after their call. If they use social media to talk about their experience, the negative perception of the company will be multiplied.

How much time customers are willing to wait?

Data can help you to improve and adapt your strategy. Arise has recently shared the results of the Customer Service Frustration Series, 2017. Regarding call wait times, the results show that almost two thirds of people are only willing to wait 2 minutes or less before hanging up. And over 13% selected that no hold time is acceptable.

Some weeks ago, we talked about one of the most successful customer services: The Amazon’s Mayday button. And one of the reasons that explains its success is that average response time to calls for help is… 15 seconds!

A bad customer experience leads to disloyalty and hurts your company’s image, but a good one is the best path to business success. Just investing in the right solutions, your company can make a difference and customers will love it.

If you need more information about solutions to enhance your customer service, contact us.

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