How to improve your PBX with Conversational AI?

The Old Way

In The New Digital Age, standards commons PBX functions used by most companies are weighing down Customer Experience (CX) making tedious to contact their phone services or customer assistance.

The Old Way

Photo source: Pixabay. Creative Commons

What most companies still doing…

DTMF Menus.

Most PBX use touch tone menus to select departments, services or key an extension. Of course, everybody may knows how to press a key, but it’s not really confortable to do this with hands free, driving or when you don’t get the right option…

Record a Voicemail.

When an extension is not answering or is out of time, your PBX system will probably generate a voicemail and hangup. It’s a very frustrating scenario for many users to leave a message without any chance to interact or get feedback.

Call Queuing (Waiting On Hold).

Most PBX uses a call queue when all agents or receptionists are busy; this situation is wasting your callers time so they’ll only still connected in the queue, if they have a good reason to contact you, otherwise they could leave your phone service for ever.

Call Receptionist (Human).

Provide a human touch could be wonderful customer care, but remember this option may not be expected by callers during the call routing to reach the requested extension or service. Remember, get connected easier and faster is the only customer’s outcome.

The New Way

Enables Conversational AI (Artificial Intelligence) features with a Voicebot IVR that transform the customer journey of your phone services without wasting time and improving your business communications.

The New Way

Photo source: Pexels. Creative Commons

What we recommend to do…

Natural Language Understanding (NLU).

Replace old DTMF menus by advanced NLU dialogs to deliver the best customer experience for your callers. It also enables to use Machine Learning in order to train and improve continuously your system.

Conversational IVR.

Humans dialogs are mostly conversational, let your customers as they like to ask for a service or a person in your company. Conversational IVR enables smarter interactions that will empower your PBX routing better than ever.

Automatic Call Transfer.

Make call transfers to the right extension or to a cellular according to the destination context rules. Don’t think it’s always better to send the call to an agent. An IVR with AI can work even better, without any delay and never putting On Hold your callers.

Virtual Assistant.

Enable a Virtual Assistant (Voicebot) instead of processing low value interactions with your human agents. Remember ,the cost and availability of a manual call transfer really expensive and inefficient. In the Digital Age, AI integration for your PBX makes sense.

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