Contact Centers: Digital Transformation, is not an Option

Telephone boxes

Photo source: Unplash. Creative Commons

We know the way people communicate has changed, and therefore, the way customers want to communicate with organizations is also changing. Technology becomes more important to our day to day living. For instance, the phone is the most used platform but customers expect to engage with companies across multiple channels.

Phone usage is changing

According to Dimension Data’s “2016 global contact center benchmarking report”, digital interactions account for over 42% of all interactions. in 2016, contacts by phone dropped again, by 12%. Seeking support and service has become ubiquitous and contact centers face more empowered and knowledgeable consumers.

Omni-channel, is required

In order to survive, contact centers must recognize the situation and adapt to these new dynamics. They need to understand that Customer Experience is a top factor driving Digital Transformation. And most of their efforts should look at this direction. Growing customer expectations is a challenge. It requests new training on technology and connections require multiple integrated channels (with omni-channel approach). Customers also expect a deeper and more personalized experience. There is no doubt that digital trends are disruptive creating changes and risks, but also business opportunities.

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