Video RTC · Snapshot

VideoRTC Snapshot

Take or get pictures dynamically during your remote video conversations.


Snapshot feature allows you to take easily a picture within the video. This functionality helps to enhance your real-time communications experience with the power of content. For instance, you can get Jpeg pictures from agents or users frames during a process, retrieving them later or share them to an external application interface.

Snapshot makes it possible to save a picture from the middle of a video, all within the context of your website or application. With one click you can obtain additional information while your video call is not disrupted. This feature is ready to be integrated with our API Framework to make more advanced and secure your real-time communications.

Use Cases

  • Enable to take a picture during a video communication
  • Enable to get a frame from the video streaming channels
  • Power remote sales and assistance
  • Power interactive consultations

System Requirements

Snapshot feature requires Video RTC (WebRTC or RTMP) Gateway On Premise or Cloud CPaaS.

Web & Mobile

Snapshot is available both for Web and Mobile endpoints for WebRTC. You can create simultaneously dual-interfaces without changing your business logic.

API Framework

Snapshot feature is powered by specific functions inside our API Framework (VideoRTC.js).

Interactive Powers - Streamline your business communications

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