Screen Sharing reloaded for Firefox

Screen capture Firefox

Photo Source: Pixabay. Creative Commons

Screen Sharing: now, without installing any plugin for all Firefox Web Browsers!

Screen Sharing is a very powerful feature that allows users to share in a screen or a window of any documents or application including images, videos, forms… among other capabilities. However, in order to build screen sharing capabilities, first, it is necessary to build screen capture. Until now, it was only supported in one browser, Chrome, which gives access to screen capture by writing an extension. The good news is that we can now also access screen sharing in Firefox witout installing any plugin!

Since Firefox version 52 and upper …

With latest Firefox 52 and upper versions, it is even easier, since we do not need to build or install browser extensions. Screen Sharing is one of our most avanced feature on latest Video RTC platforms powered by WebRTC. In the image below you can see how straightforward it is to share your screen or any windows with our Pop-up Agent:

Screen Capture

Next steps

Now, you can manage Screen Sharing in both Chrome and Firefox with our Video RTC plaforms. Do you have an interesting use cases for screen sharing in your business? Drop your ideas or any questions in the comments below. Or feel free to reach out on Twitter at @ivrpowers or by email at

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