VideoRTC.js (API) v2.0.0
Release Note
We are pleased to announce that our API Framework for Javascript VideoRTC.js v2.0.0 has been released for suitable for Web Developments and Mobile SDK . All users with previous maintained versions can upgrade today. Please contact our support!
Version 1.0.0 · 2.0.0:
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## [1.0.0] - 2017-02-10
### First release
## [1.1.0] - 2017-04-17
### Added
- Added VoiceProcessor feature in the Videoroom module
- Added `disconnect()` method for destroy a session with the VideoGateway
- Added `closeUsecase()` method for close a use case with the VideoGateway (All usecases)
- Added download link of VideoRTC Screensharing extension for Chrome
- Added `videoRate` and `screenRate` parameters in the `call()` method (Split Client)
- Added timestamp in Videomail messages to achieve multiple records with the same id/name
### Changed
- Updated `webrtc-adapter` version release to `3.2.0`
- Updated `nojquery.js` external dependence
## [2.0.0] - 2017-10-03
### Added
- Added a new module: Videocall
- Added audioStream and videoStream parameters in the SplitClient module
- Added possibility of sending any Custom MIME Type in the DataChannel
- Added config parameter in the getDevices method
### Changed
- Updated `webrtc-adapter` version release to `4.2.1`
- Updated `nojquery.js` version release to `0.2.4`
- Updated options object in the following modules: SplitAgent, SplitClient, VideoMail and Videoroom
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